In Alabama we take our football very seriously. Alabama and Auburn fans spend a lot of time tailgating and watching their team’s game on the television at local bars. Because of this we generally see an uptick in Alabama DUI arrests during footballs season. If you or someone you know is faced with a DUI arrest then you need Ketcham Law to defend you.
Penalties for DUI in Alabama
There are different possible sentences for a Alabama DUI conviction depending on your criminal record. On the first conviction you can face up to one year in a county or municipal jail, however, there is no minimum mandatory jail sentence. For a second conviction you could face a minimum of 48 hours and up to one year in jail, plus community service. After four or more convictions, within a 5 year period, you can be charged with a Class C Felony with a sentence of 1 to 10 years. Fines and court costs are also generally high when it comes to DUI offenses.
Your driver’s license is effected as well. Points will be added to your driving record and your license will be suspended or revoked, if you convicted of DUI. The number of points assessed, depends on the severity of the offense and the number of prior convictions.
Take Your DUI Charge Seriously
I generally remind people that while someone normally does not spend much time in jail for a DUI, a DUI conviction carries with it lifelong consequences. When you are charged with a DUI you immediately face issues of whether or not your employment will be effected and if you will be able to drive. Your license could be suspended, your car insurance could increase, and your employer may have employment rules that prohibit having an employee that has a criminal record. Do not let a DUI arrest be the reason you lose your job or prohibit you from getting the job you desire.
If you have questions regarding a DUI or any other criminal defense matters, please contact Ketcham Law for a consultation by calling us at (205) 296-4233.