Drug Distribution
If you are facing a drug distribution charge in Alabama then you need a Alabama drug distribution lawyer on your side. This charge is a very serious matter and a conviction of drug distribution triggers very serious consequences. Contact Ketcham Law and speak with a criminal defense lawyer today.
Drug Distribution Charge In Alabama
A person commits the crime of unlawful distribution of controlled substances if, except as otherwise authorized, he or she sells, furnishes, gives away, or distributes a controlled substance enumerated in Schedules I through V. Selling of a controlled substance is a class B felony. You could be sentenced from 2 to 20 years in prison and ordered to pay a $30,000 fine. This includes drugs such as cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, as well as common prescription drugs that are sold illegally. In addition, you could face enhanced penalties if the following circumstances are true:
- You were found distributing drugs near a school or playground
- You were caught distributing drugs directly to a minor
- You somehow involved a minor in distributing the drugs
Alabama Drug Distribution Lawyer
If you have been charged with distribution of a controlled substance in Alabama, or any other criminal defense matters, please contact Ketcham Law by calling us at (205) 296-4233.