Nursing Board Hearing

Alabama Nursing Board Hearing 

Usually an investigation is the first stage of the disciplinary action. This is a good time to work out an agreement with the Board. Once an investigation is completed, then the Board of Nursing will issue a formal complaint and notify the nurse that a hearing has been set. Many times Ketcham Law is able to get an agreement in place that allows for you to keep working. If there is not an agreement offered by way of a consent order that is agreeable, then the hearing stage is your next option. A nursing board hearing is very similar to a trial. Ketcham Law will cross examine the Board’s witnesses and support you in your position.

The hearing is an adversarial by nature and you should retain legal counsel to protect your rights and nursing license. The hearing usually is held at the Alabama Board of Nursing in downtown Montgomery and presided over by an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ). The ALJ then makes a recommendation before the full Board as to their opinion on the matter.

Voluntary Discipline Alternative Program (VDAP)

The Alabama Board of Nursing has a program in place for nurses with substance abuse and chemical dependency problems. The VDAP program allows nurses to get professional evaluation by a Board recognized physician with expertise and experience treating addictions. The VDAP program is a valuable resource for nurses with substance abuse issues that allows them to avoid disciplinary actions by the Board while receiving the treatment they need. Although, VDAP is a great resource, it is intended for nurses with substance abuse issues and certain mental issues and requires strict adherence to the treatment plan and agreements which often involves individual and group counseling, participation in a 12 step program, random drug screenings throughout the program, and other treatment recommendations. The program is usually 3-5 years in length. The frequency of the test may be monthly, twice a month, weekly, or based on individual agreement. Although participation in VDAP is a valuable resource for nurses with substance abuse issues, the expense and requirements to complete are quite high and nurses should be fully aware of the cost, requirements for completion, and monitoring requirements before signing up for the program.

Contact Alabama Nursing Board Lawyer 

If you are facing a hearing in front of the Alabama Nursing Board, seek counsel immediately.  Protect your nursing license and rights, contact Ketcham Law for representation in Montgomery.